Sonfire Media authors range from seasoned multi-published professional authors to first-time authors.
Dr. Arnold Fleagle
Dr. Arnold R. Fleagle is the senior pastor of Trinity Evangelical Free Church in Amherst, Ohio. Previously he served as Director of Church Development for the Central District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance that covers Northeast Ohio and West Virginia.
Dr. Fleagle holds a B.S. in education from Shippensburg University, an M.A.R. degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a D. Min. degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has authored or co-authored devotional and academic articles and nine books, including Broken Windows of the Soul, Developing Your Secret Closet of Prayer and Psalms for the Seasons of Life.
He is married to Faye and they have two sons, Matthew and Marc, two daughters-in-laws, Elizabeth and Kalila, and three grandchildren, Avalynne Grace, Travis Matthew, and Caedmon Jason.
The day you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, God adopts you as His child. But what does it mean to be a part of this family of God? What are the principles of Christian living? And what about all that Christian lingo? In J-Walking, Dr. Arnold Fleagle explains the foundations of faith through short, themed chapters to help you walk with Jesus in today’s world. He poses questions common to new Christians, then responds with Scripture, commentary, and life application suggestions. The chapters stand alone, allowing you to peruse topically or read chronologically.
Dr. Fleagle is a knowledgeable source for biblically-based answers to your questions. His book will add direction and purpose to your walk with Jesus and inspire you to tell others about the lessons you are learning. Whether you’re a new believer or are just looking for a guide to navigate the journey, J-Walking is one resource you’ll return to and want to share with your friends.
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Penny Musco

Penny Musco
Penny is a freelance writer and performer with a B.A. in Theatre. Her magazine credits include Family Circle, More and Costco Connection, among others. Life Lessons from the National Parks, her first book, began life as a blog on her home page,, which has content not found in the book.
As the first Artist in Residence at the Park Service’s Homestead National Monument, Penny wrote and performed a one-woman show about the African American Exodusters, former slaves who headed north after Reconstruction ended. She now presents Steal Away: The Story of a Homesteader and an Exoduster for community groups, and at libraries and senior living residences (
Penny Musco is the author of Life Lessons from the National Parks, a Sonfire Media publication.
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.” – John Muir, from The Yosemite, 1912 Whether you’re a hiker, a museum explorer, or a reader who travels vicariously, Life Lessons will take you on a four-season tour of some of America’s most glorious places within the National Park Service-and you’ll meet God along the way.
In Life Lessons from the National Parks, author Penny Musco: *Brings the NPS sites to life with her first-person experiences; *Shares Scripture and inspirational anecdotes that relate to the parks’ stories; *Provides tips for planning your own visits and links to the sites that are referenced
Endorsed by Michael J. Oard, co-author of the “True North National Park Series,” and by Cecil Murphey, author or co-author of more than 130 books, including Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story and 90 Minutes in Heaven with Don Piper.
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John Chisum

John Chisum
John is widely known for his songs recorded by Christian artists Ron Kenoly, Steve Green, Larnelle Harris, The Gaither Vocal Band, Truth, First Call, The Cathedrals and many of Integrity’s Hosanna! Music recordings. John has been a long-time music industry professional in music publishing, artist development, songwriter, and producer roles for over 200 projects.
John studied classical voice at the University of Memphis and holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from The University of South Alabama (Mobile) and a Masters of Arts in Worship Studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
A popular clinician in the area of worship for many years, John has appeared in every major denominational church setting and many non-denominational venues. John has toured with Integrity’s Seminars4Worship and served as a core instructor for Integrity’s Worship Institute at The University of Mobile in Mobile, Alabama, and at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has also been a regular guest speaker at Liberty University for their Center for Worship.
John has had over 400 songs published in his career and he has co-written and produced eight children’s and youth musicals in conjunction with Word Music, Integrity Music, and Lifeway Christian Resources. His compositions are in print with every major choral music company including Integrity Music, Word Music, Lillenas Music, Lifeway Christian Resources, and Allegis Music. He has released eight worship recordings distributed through Warner Brothers, Pamplin Music, Integrity Music, Martingale Music, and Firm Foundation Worship Ministries.
In seeking to fulfill his personal call to “further wholeness and worship renewal in the Body of Christ” John served as president of Firm Foundation Worship Ministries and has served as worship pastor in six local churches since 1980. John also served as interim worship pastor for three 2,000+ member churches before moving to the Grand Rapids area two years ago to become Pastor of Celebration Arts for Fair Haven Ministries in Hudsonville, MI. John has a great love for international ministry, as well, and has ministered in Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia over the last twenty years. He has been involved overseas with Worship International and with The Protestant Women of the Chapel, a military organization that provides ministry to military families throughout the nations. John has been married to Donna for 33 years, and they have a lovely daughter, Aly.
Visit the author’s website at for his blog and more information about John’s ministry and writing.
John is the author of the Sonfire Media title, The 5 Keys to Engaging Worship.
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Tim and Tami Thurber

Tim and Tami Thurber
Tim graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology degree and currently serves as a pastor. Tami earned a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Northeastern Seminary, and she has been involved in ministry to preschoolers, elementary age, teenagers, and adults.
Both Tim & Tami are certified instructors for the ministries of Super Doc, Walk Thru the Bible, and UnveilinGlory; they also speak at retreats and other events. Tim and Tami live in upstate New York with their three children.
Tim and Tami Thurber are the authors of Handing it Down, a devotional book published by Sonfire Media to help parents teach their children the basic beliefs of Christianity.
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Zoe M. McCarthy
Zoe M. McCarthy was an actuary in her first career, but she always held a passion to create stories. Determined to learn the route to publication, she joined a critique group and attended writers’ conferences, picking up and studying presenters’ books on writing.
When Zoe’s first contemporary romance contracted, her research on publishing and marketing convinced her she needed to start a blog and post regularly. Because her analytical side gives Zoe a keen interest in the mechanics and methodologies of good writing, a how-to blog on writing appealed to her. In 2012 she began her blog. After Zoe had published over one hundred fifty blog posts, an agent and a publishing house editor (with SFM!) suggested she write a book based on her blog. The idea interested Zoe, and she attended a workshop on the dos and don’ts for turning blog posts into a book. She wanted to share more than the information she’d accumulated. She desired to help writers who had manuscripts but didn’t know how to get them ready for publication, writers whose manuscripts received rejections, writers whose self-published novels received poor reviews, and writers who wanted to write the stories on their hearts but needed help to put them to paper. Tailor Your Fiction Manuscript in 30 Days was born.
Zoe still attends writing workshops at popular Christian writers’ conferences, subscribes to Writer’s Digest, and explores online writing articles to improve her writing and her blog posts. Zoe’s weekly posts share what she’s learned and often include examples of how she incorporated skills and techniques into her own writing. In addition to her instructional blog, Zoe has taught workshops at libraries, writer groups, and the Virginia chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers’ Conferences. Her husband, John, partners with Zoe on the non-writing tasks in her publishing career. They live on a hill in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains. Zoe and John enjoy exploring mountains and valleys, canoeing the New River, or spending time at their cabin on a lake. They have two sons, two daughters-in-love, and six grandchildren. Zoe writes contemporary Christian romances involving tenderness and humor. Believing opposites distract, Zoe creates heroes and heroines who learn to embrace their differences. She is the author of Good Breaks, The Putting Green Whisperer, The Invisible Woman in a Red Dress, Gift of the Magpie, and Calculated Risk.
Visit the author’s website at for her blog and more information about all of her books and events.
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David Fessenden

Dave Fessenden
Dave’s understanding of the writing process comes from his experience as managing editor for CLC Publications, the U.S. publishing house for CLC Ministries International (formerly Christian Literature Crusade), and as the author of four other books.
Dave is also a frequent faculty member at Christian writers’ conferences, where he is known as a mentor for new writers.
Dave and his lovely wife, Jacque, live in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. They are the parents of two married sons, and were recently blessed with their first grandchild.
Dave writes an informative blog based upon his newest book that was released by Sonfire Media in 2011. Check it out at From Concept to Contract.
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More from Dave:
Dave is also author of A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal. A complete proposal sells your book, pure and simple. But some authors don’t think a proposal is necessary. Perhaps you already have a contract, or you plan to self-publish. If you don’t have to sell the book to a publisher, why write a proposal?
That reasoning sounds logical, but there are purposes for a book proposal beyond selling it to a publisher. In A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, Dave shares six reasons why it benefits you to write a book proposal and seven items that should be part of every book proposal. A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal is based on Dave’s previously published writing and on his teaching at Christian writers’ conferences around the country. The material included applies to writers and book projects of all sorts: fiction and nonfiction; completed manuscripts and unwritten book ideas, first-time and previously published authors, traditionally published, indie, and self-published. So, give your book idea a chance for success. Learn how with A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal.
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Shirley Leonard

Shirley Leonard
Shirley Leonard is a graduate of the Christian Writers Guild. Her devotionals have appeared in the Secret Place, the Quiet Hour, Devotions, and Penned from the Heart. Her short story, “Unexpected Shift,” appeared in Live, and she’s published articles in Women Alive, Pennsylvania, and American Window Cleaner magazines.
Shirley’s caregiving experience spans four decades as a pastor’s wife, including twenty years of nursing home ministry. She never imagined that one day her role would move from supporting church members who were caregivers to being a caregiver herself. After five years of taking care of her parents, she gained a new perspective on the needs of those she’d ministered to earlier. With Each Passing Moment is her story—a devotional memoir that reaches out to other caregivers—a story of finding help and hope in the Lord at a time when her human abilities and resources were exhausted.
NEW DOWNLOAD: Study Guide for With Each Passing Moment
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Todd Shaw

Todd Shaw
Todd is an author, professional speaker, and the founder and president of On Track Ministry (a motorsports outreach ministry). The principles he teaches are based on scripture, and the Scout Law, Oath, and Motto.
Todd is a master storyteller, and his heartbeat is application. His enthusiasm, quick wit, and humor engage the reader or audience and motivate them toward a closer relationship with Christ.
Todd is also the author of A Scout Is…, with a foreword by Zig Ziglar. In the work place, Todd’s background includes construction, healthcare, owning and managing several restaurants, owning an automotive shop, and serving as a youth pastor. He holds a second-degree black belt, and taught karate for several years.
Todd and his wife, Lisa, live on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Galax, Virginia. They have a son, Jason, and a daughter, Krista. When not writing, speaking, or working with Scouts, Todd enjoys racing, watching re-runs of the Andy Griffith Show, drinking coffee, telling stories, and riding his motorcycle.
You can learn more about Todd from his book’s website,
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More from Todd:
Todd is also the author of Out of the Box and Loving It. This engaging and motivating book brings new meaning to the phrase “outreach.” In Out of the Box, the author calls for a shift in the way Christians look at what ministry is and how it can be applied to those who most need it. With practical, pertinent ways to move the focus of ministry from “in the church” to “out of the church,” this book provides guidance and encouragement to make a real impact on others in exciting and relevant ways. Out of the Box helps bring into focus ways to build ministries using God-given gifts and characteristics unique to each person. This easy to follow guide can help anyone discover and create a personal plan to reach others for Christ.
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Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith is an award-winning writer, newspaper reporter, TV news producer, playwright and essayist. His published articles, short stories, essays, celebrity profiles, and travel writing articles appear in numerous books, magazines, journals and multi-media outlets including: Barbour Publishing, Adams Media, Group Publishing, Pocket Books, BarCharts Publishing, The PPI Group, Barnes and Noble Books, Borderlands Press, and Zondervan Publishing.
He was selected as part of the writing team (including Rick Warren, Chuck Colson, Lee Strobel and Ravi Zacharias) to create Zondervan’s New Men’s Devotional Bible. He writes monthly columns for The Christian Communicator magazine, and Christian Fiction Online Magazine.
Thomas has been a joke writer for Joan Rivers and a comedy writer for The Steve & Kathy Show (Emmy winning Christian TV variety show). His novel, Something Stirs, a Christian supernatural thriller, was released in 2011.
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Marsha Hubler

Marsha Hubler
Marsha Hubler is a prolific writer with thirteen books in print. Sonfire Media is proud to be the publisher for her newest book, The Secret of Wolf Canyon, a book that combines her love for God, horses, and children with a light-hearted juvenile mystery. Marsha loves to hear from her readers. She is available to speak to school groups, writers’ groups, and women’s retreat groups.
Visit her at to learn more about her many books, to share your thoughts about her books, or to schedule her to speak at your event.
Marsha also writes two blogs:
Marsha is the director of the Susquehanna Valley Writers Workshop, held annually in October. To learn more about this opportunity for writers, visit the conference blog.
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Luke and Trisha Priebe

Luke and Trisha Priebe
Luke and Trisha currently live in Allen Park, Michigan, where Luke is in his final semesters of earning an M.Div from Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Trisha is a full-time writer and editor. Between the two of them, their book budget is bigger than their grocery bill.
More importantly, Luke and Trisha are Christians who have been transformed by Jesus Christ. Their goal is to serve Him with their lives in whatever way He sees fit.
In the summer of 2007, their first child was born on the other side of the world. In early 2009, they saw him for the first time via a DVD. They anticipated bringing their son home within the year. They prepared a bedroom, notified family, and imagined how their lives would change. And then nothing.
God has taught them incredible things through the process of waiting on Him. They believe that waiting—though painful—is a gift. Trust. Hope. Pray. is a compilation of the lessons they have learned about waiting. Though they cannot help but think of their own recent experiences, it is not primarily a book about adoption. It is a book about the grace of God experienced while waiting.
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Dr. John Stiles

Dr. John Stiles
Dr. John Stiles is an author and speaker based in North Carolina, USA. He earned his Ph.D. in Communication and Culture at the University of Southern Mississippi. Formerly Dean and Professor of Communication at Hannam University (HNU) in South Korea,
Dr. Stiles now serves as US Director of HNU’s Center for International Relations.
An authority in the field of Cross-Cultural Communication, Dr. Stiles has traveled to over seventy countries and all seven continents. He is in demand internationally for his innovative seminar, Intercultural SuperHighway. He challenges his audiences to step outside their individual comfort zones and overcome barriers by genuinely relating with others. Throughout a lifetime of venturing into uncharted territory and building cultural bridges, Dr. Stiles has arrived at a definitive conclusion: “To know culture is to know people.”
Dr. Stiles is a graduate of Montreat College in North Carolina and Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He also shares his passion for reaching out to
s thrives on experiential travel involving the pursuit of deep relational culture within the lives of the individuals he meets. He enjoys comedic films, diverse music, and ballroom dancing. A former college basketball player, he is an avid sports fan and participant. Dr. Stiles is available for speaking engagements and interactive seminars based on this book.
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Bishop Ron Hill

Bishop Ron Hill
Bishop Ron Hill is senior pastor of Cliffview Church of God in Galax, Virginia. He has served in that capacity since 2002. Prior to that, he was senior pastor of Rocky Mount Church of God in Rocky Mount, Virginia for eleven years. Although reared in church, he did not enter ministry until the age of forty. As part of that life-changing event, he left behind a successful career in business to attend Ferrum College, a Methodist school, where he received a BA in Religion. One of the motivations for this book was to leave a Bible-based legacy for his grandchildren such as he inherited from his grandfather. Sanctification: The Neglected Spiritual Discipline is the link between those two legacies.
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Chris Harvey
In 1980, Chris Harvey paused from studying for final exams to talk to his college housemate. Gunshots interrupted their conversation as a drunk randomly fired a hunting rifle from the hillside across the street. One bullet penetrated the side of Chris’s house, struck him in the temple, and severed his optic nerves—instantly blinding him.
Not by Sight is a story of faith and courage. Chris lost his sight, but he was determined not to lose God’s vision for his life. Follow his path as God taught him to forgive. See how he refused to let go of his dreams of education, marriage, family, and career. Rejoice with him as he claims God’s promise of eternal life in heaven, where he will see the radiant face of Jesus.
Not by Sight was originally published as Until My Blindfold Comes Off and was the grand prizewinner of the Winter 2009 Christian Choice Book Award and first place winner for the inspirational category of that contest. The newly titled edition includes stories that didn’t make the original book, as well as an update on what God continues to do in Chris’s life.
Chris Harvey holds a bachelor’s in business administration from Shepherd College and a master’s in economics from the University of Virginia. In 2009, after a successful career with major brokerage firms, Chris established his own Ameriprise Financial independent advisory franchise, Market Street Financial Group. Chris and his wife, Stephanie, live in Leesburg, Virginia.
Visit to learn about Chris’s corporate and Christian motivational speaking services.
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